During the tag duel against the new threat, Azura has a mark light up on her upper arm which means she’s a signer but a …


During the tag duel against the new threat, Azura has a mark light up on her upper arm which means she’s a signer but a different kind (Ancient Signer) (Mark of her Sapphire Stone Dragon). The Ancient Signer has an ability to never age after possessing the Sapphire Stone Dragon card and the dragons power. After the tag duel, both of their dragons start to form a bond. Azura & Yusei form a stronger bond when they keep doing tag duels against their opponents, they will also do everything they can to protect each other from harm. A year later, Azura and Yusei have become affectionate of each other. When Yusei is now together with Azura as a couple, the Ancient Signer power also gives him the ability to never age. This is the story of eternal love

Fan art credit: @roselyn_artist

Thank you so much for making this 😍😍

#yugioh5ds #yuseifudo #azuraoakley #yugioh #anime

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